We are proud to have some of the best yoga practice spaces in Southeast Asia. Practice yoga to the soothing sounds of the ocean and our many natural (friendly!) visitors, breathing air that is always fresh and energized. Vikasa Koh Samui features three open air yoga pavilions with hard wood floors and an open, breathtaking view of the sea. Healthy dinner is served after the afternoon and evening yoga classes and is mostly vegetarian, with one fish or seafood option daily. Try an eco-friendly bungalow or live it up with a king size bed and a sea view. Players get the chance to fight against each other in the Arena, which is unlocked from level 24, here players are able to challenge other players up to 10 ranks above them with a five-minute cooldown in between fights and the higher your rank the better the rewards a player will earn.Multiple teachers share a variety of styles and approaches including our own Vikasa Yoga Method. There are a whole host of different rewards available for players to earn new items and gain XP, everything from a daily sign in task where players are rewarded for playing the game on consecutive days, the more days they login through the reward. Players are limited to the number of characters they can have in their team but have the option of either retiring one of the Ninja or spending gold (which costs in game premium currency) to add a new character slot, providing the player has attained a high enough VIP level. Each team mate has various stats that will contribute to their battle point rating, which includes gear and also the character level and their stats including their force, speed, damage rate, crit rate and more.

On their travels players will meet new danger that they can recruit into their team, using a specific team interface they are able to manage their crew and change their gear and equipped accessories as well as looking over their general skills and battle points. Taijutsu (Male) – an extremely talented Taitjutsu martial artist it is his biggest passion in life.Taijutsu (Female) - straightforward but gentle she has a complete knowledge of Taijutsu.

Gaining XP for completing missions and defeating enemies in combat will slowly level up characters whilst completing events and tasks will enable players to unlock new items, accessories and gear as well as silver and coupons and other items to better equip the team. The principle of gameplay is to progress through the storyline, completing quests for the various NPC’s that are found across the world and slowly level up your characters and Ninja martial artists as you improve your team.
The game is a free to play MMO that focuses on players building up their character and can be accessed directly through an Internet browser without the need for a client download. Unlimited Ninja is based around the cartoons anime Naruto and allows players to step into this world as a skilled ninja warrior, progressing through the game and unlocking the wider story arc by successfully completing quests and battling enemy ninja.